Atlanta Re-Roof Specialists Website Redesign

The Challenge

Atlanta Re-Roof Specialists operates in one of the most competitive roofing markets in the country. With numerous companies vying for attention, standing out was a significant challenge. The company needed a website that not only showcased their expertise but also clearly communicated their unique value proposition to potential customers.

The Solution

To address this challenge, we designed a website that simplifies the user journey and makes information easily accessible. By leveraging modern UI elements and a clean layout, we created a structure that’s easy to navigate. The use of clear iconography and concise content helps visitors quickly understand the services offered. Our mobile-first approach ensures a seamless experience across all devices.

Reflecting their quality and standards

Atlanta Re-Roof Specialists is a trusted provider of roofing solutions in the metro Atlanta area, offering a wide variety of residential roofing services. They pride themselves on quality workmanship and exceptional customer service. To reflect their professionalism online, they needed a website that was both informative and engaging.

Simplifying complex information through iconography

We utilized iconography to represent different roofing services and features. This visual approach helps break down complex information, making it more digestible for users. Icons guide visitors through the site, allowing them to quickly identify the services they need without wading through lengthy text.


Accessibility and engagement on all devices

Recognizing that a significant portion of users browse on mobile devices, we adopted a mobile-first design strategy. The website is fully responsive, offering an optimal viewing experience whether accessed on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. This approach enhances user engagement and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Highlighting What Sets Them Apart

To distinguish Atlanta Re-Roof from other roofing companies, we highlighted their unique selling points throughout the website. This includes their extensive experience, commitment to quality, and customer testimonials. Clear calls-to-action are strategically placed to encourage visitors to contact them for a quote or consultation.

High-Quality Roofing Services in Metro Atlanta

Atlanta Re-Roof is a premier roofing company serving the metro Atlanta area, dedicated to providing top-quality residential roofing solutions. With a strong commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, they have built a reputation for reliable service and superior workmanship.
President: Andrew Dalby
Design & Strategy: Bear Double

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