Go Kickball Brand Identity

The Challenge

GO Kickball is a social sports brand that operates in several markets across the US. Over the last several years, the GO Kickball logo had been splintered and represented in various ways through the different markets and seasons. With Live Life Fun ready to relaunch the brand, they needed a fresh start.

The Solution

We decided to pay homage to what made the brand thrive in the past and resonated with their players. The result was more than a logo refresh, it was the creation of a brand identity system that gave GO Kickball not only a clean slate but also a direction for how the brand should grow and evolve over the coming years.

The iconic red

Historically, the GO Kickball brand had always featured red as a highlight color, along with the dark gray. For our rebranding efforts, we wanted to take that to the next level. That’s why we created a version of the logo that would work in the red background, so that we could use the red freely while still having a logo representation that worked well on that background. Similarly, it was important to let the red tone be vibrant enough to stand out when used over red or white.

The evolution of the kicker

Throughout the years, the kicker had been a constant for the GO Kickball brand. During the brand refresh, great attention was paid to the kicker’s silhouette. We made sure that the body position reflected a more natural stance than the original version. 

We also created variations of the kicker, making a female kicker and a side-view of a kicker. These new kickers equipped the team with variations that could be used for other marketing materials.


Enriching the brand story with icons

We created an icon library that was used to symbolize the different aspects of the GO Kickball leagues, such as scheduling, communication, location and the date of the events. 

GO’s family of brands

GO is a leader in the adult social sports space. Their GO Kickball brand has been present for over 15 years in several cities across the continental US. Their sister company, GO Sports Unlimited, operates a variety of other sports leagues. Check out that other case studies below.

Live Life Fun

Live Life Fun is an experience based brand that operates through all the US. They promote a social and interactive lifestyle for adults by hosting recreational sports leagues that run year-long on a season-based schedule. People from all over the country can join and start being active and meeting new people.

CEO: Jeff Kassen
Design & Strategy: Mass Appeal 
Website: GoKickball.com


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